Pamola Lodge Executive Committee

Lodge Executive Committee (LEC)

Lodges exist to serve BSA councils and individual Units. The Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) is the steering committee of the Lodge and is responsible for executing the annual program of the Lodge. The LEC follows all policies concerning the organization and administration of the Lodge utilizing the Guide for Officers and Advisers.

Who is the Lodge Executive Committee?

The Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) —a key group—consists of the youth serving as Lodge Offficers: Lodge Chief, (including the immediate past Lodge Chief), Vice Chief and their advisers, Operating Vice Chiefd and their Advisers, Chapter Chiefs, Chapter Advisers, the Lodge adviser, and the Scout Executive. The key 3 in the Lodge are the Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser, and Staff Adviser. 

The Lodge Chief is the Chair of the LEC and presides over meetings. The Lodge Chief is expected to prepare agendas and share them with the Lodge and Staff Adviser before sending them to committee members with the meeting announcement.


When contacting Youth in the LEC please include a 2nd Adult to fulfill BSA's YPT guidelines.


Position Name Telephone
Pamola Lodge Chief (Youth/ Adult) Evan A. Email
Pamola Lodge Advisor Chris Aspinall Email
Vice-Chief of Communications (Youth) Alex B. Email
Sunrise Chapter Chief (Youth) Daniel C. Email
Vice-Chief of Finance (Youth) Evan C. Email
North Star Advisor Phil Desjardin Email
Waldo Chapter Chief (Youth) Garrett F. Email
Central Highlands Chapter Chief (Youth) Silas H Email
OA Staff Advisor Stephen Hughes Email
Central Highlands Advisor Tony Major Email
Sunrise Chapter Advisor Brooke McDonald Email
North Star Chapter Chief (Youth) Vacant Email
Pamola Lodge Vice Chief (Youth) Logan S. Email